Our Spring Concert

Note that there is a video recording of the concert that can be viewed here.

It’s that time again, for our Spring Concert! And this year our special guests were the Waterloo Regional Police Chorus on Sunday May 26, 3pm at Breslau Mennonite Church. We had some wonderful new pieces to share with you this year. There was even an appearance by our very own Quintessentials.

Our 84th Season — 2023-2024

The Schneider Male Chorus entered its 84th season in September.   We look forward to continuing our journey to fill our audiences with a sense of tranquility and enjoyment through the year.

In addition to our planned schedule, we take on other events throughout the season. That’s why there is a special area dedicated strictly to bookings. We encourage you to drop us a line if you would like to engage a professional, well rehearsed, thoughtful and entertaining choral group.

A small but available option – The Quintessentials Quintet Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!

We have added a side-group of 5 men who sing as a quintet.  Their repertoire is a little more tilted towards pop but still runs the full range.  They are happy to be available separately or with the main chorus.  More information on them can be found at their website – The Quintessentials Quintet.

Do You Like To Sing?

The Schneider Male Chorus always has a place for you. This is more than singing, this is about sharing an opportunity with others who share your passion, your interests in making music, and sharing the stage for the pleasure of others. More…

A Thank You To Our Supporters

The Schneider Male Chorus would like to thank the City of Kitchener, the City of Waterloo, and anonymous donors for their continued generous support through their grants and donations.

We would also like to acknowledge and thank our faithful concert supporters.


The Schneider Male Chorus is a Registered Charitable Organization with the Canada Revenue Agency.  You can Donate Online using CanadaHelps.org

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